Debra Lynn issues updated Divine Mirror

Debra Lynn issues updated Divine Mirror

History meets mystery pretty well sums up what Client Debra Lynn has done with her book, Divine Mirror: A Painting's Gift of Conscious Healing. But now that the subject of that book has additional clues to the mystery of its origins, she has published a revised and simplified edition. The original cover was really dark and foreboding, so Personal Chapters Publishing helped Debra simplify things. We love the results!

This revised edition has a new Epilogue that outlines the latest in the unraveling mystery of a multi-layered painting and its journey all over the world. Debra, the current owner of the painting, has had it looked at, studied, X-rayed and examined closely by world-renowned scientists. All this is to follow her strong (even supernatural) hunches that the bottom layer was painted by a master painter during a politically dangerous time in world history.

Here's what Debra Lynn has to say about this revised edition of Divine Mirror. 

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